Thought I would give you an update. One day I pulled together enough motivation to go through every (stock market) trade I have ever made and put it on the left side of the left/right list (this took a while) and then write what I would have liked to have done in each case to either maximise my profits or greatly reduce my losses. I was realistic an used only actual events when doing this (i.e. I didn't say I sold a stock for x is it has never been x since it was listed, and always made sure that it was within the correct price range etc).
Well last week was my best trading week ever. Don't get me wrong, I cut myself short on most of the profits I made and could have made a lot more but I still had an entire week with no losses and made profits every day, and even trades that looked like they were a bad move (and in some cases were) somehow worked themselves out and turned into profits. I didn't keep doing the left/right list last week and this week so far I have not made anything and am looking at a loss.
What can I say. I will try and do the left/right list after every trading day for a while and see what happens. It all happened so strangely. My charting software even stopped working and even though I don't really use TA I still like to check the chart to see what the stock has been doing over the last few months if I am not familiar with it.
It didn't seem to matter and I was just in all the right moves and it was not that I had one really huge profit (although if I had not cut myself short I could have had several) it was that I was so consistently getting things right. And this was just an average week as far as the market was concerned so I guess this just shows what can happen when your mind is on your side.
I have not done anything further with the formula by the way and still getting interesting results.
"A Fantasy is Imagining That You Have a Magic Genie That Grants You 3 Wishes...Can I Introduce You To A Real Magic Genie That Grants You 12 Wishes Every Day?"
That real magic genie is your own mind. Do you know your own mind? Do you know what it is and how it works? Have you spent many hours in workshops, reading books, taking courses, and training your mind and your inner powers to make your goals and dreams come true, to attact good fortune, romance, peace, success and more? I hope that you have because my e-book will really boost your results. And if you haven't, I think it will still lift your success sky high.
You can get a free download of the first chapter.
The Life Transformation method is the world finest quality material to help you consciously benefit from the Law of Attraction by forming and focusing your thoughts on the life you currently have and transforming them into thoughts of what you imagine is better.
Personal Message From Jorj Elprehzleinn
The Subtle Powers of Faith, Hope, Magic, and
Imagination and Why You Should Keep Feeling Them.
Have you ever failed at something and felt so bad
that you didn't want to get out of bed? Have you
ever lost someone, or lost something, that also
took your hopes and dreams down the drain? Have
you ever believed in something or wanted something
so much that it seemed like it was true, only to
have your heart ripped out of you?
I know that you probably have. And each time it
happened, those are traumatic experiences that, in
my own universe, are all healed for you. It might
be hard for you to even read this article, because
your dreams and what you believe in has been taken
away from you, or even beaten out of you by
reality, so many times that you wouldn't even want
to read another word about believing.
Well, I am not here to offer to take your problems
away. I just want to remind you now, that your
dreams, your beliefs, your hopes, and your wishes,
are spiritual powers that you can use. People say,
"no one can take that all away from you", well
maybe that is true, but things can and do happen
that make you feel like not using those great
powers of yours ever again. Yet they are your
powers to use anytime.
In the past few years, since working with my own
mind, using the techniques in The High Speed Results
Life Transformation Formula, (which you can get at this
I enjoy amazing tangible results, that I can't deny,
using my belief, faith, and imagination. It's just
that these are spiritual powers. When they are
applied correctly they have more force that a
hammer, or even a jackhammer, to get you results
in reality.
You need something like a jackhammer to get
results, because sometimes reality is that tough
to get your dreams to come true into. Are you with
me? There is the external universe, where you
would like to have your dreams come true, and
where they can and do come true, and then there is
your own universe, where you can use your belief,
imagination, hope, dreams, and other spiritual
powers, as much as you are able to.
When you realize that the two universes are
separate, that your spiritual powers and your
material world experiences are related, but not
the same, I know that you will experience, more
and more, the reason why you should never give up
on your dreams, and how you can get better at
making the good ones come true, and the bad ones
disappear forever.
Jorj Elprehzleinn is a personal coach and
consultant, and an artist, who uses the techniques
he talks about in his daily life to make a living.
His study of these matters is full time and
intense, and his insights and help can be a big
boost to your own work in manifesting what you
want. Many people have benefitted from private
coaching with Jorj. If you are interested you can
find out more about him on this website, and you
can write him or all to book a private coaching
session. His premium coaching service is Life
System Z.
PS. I hope that this article feeds your
spiritually and motivates you to get what you want
materially. For more detailed information and the
complete universal formula to do this, get the
High Speed Results Life Transformation Formula